Get OUT!

If you know me, you know I keep things real. My mouth often gets me in trouble, because I'm just not the type to sugarcoat anything. So here I am, telling you moms, depression fighters, and especially MOMS WITH DEPRESSION: GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! Even if it's the last thing you want to do, force yourself, because that's when you need it the most. After I had Jude I was a wreck. My mom kept telling me I needed to leave the house, at least once a day, because it's extremely important not to stay cooped up all day with your new baby (especially when you're home alone). Of course, my stubborn self didn't listen to her and stayed in my house alone with my new baby. All day. Every day. I would have so many emotional breakdowns every day- baby blues are no joke, people.
It wasn't until Jude was 4 weeks old and we moved to a new town where we knew absolutely no one (that story deserves its own post), that I decided to finally take my mom's advice and get out of my house. I started off with a short walk every day, Jude loves being outside and enjoys his stroller. After a few days of this I noticed a positive change in my mood and started taking him for an hour walk every morning and night. Over the summer, we got to know every inch of our tiny new town. I made it a goal to leave my house every single day at least once. Even if it's to check the mail or go to the grocery store, it makes a difference.
I can't say enough good things about how much my mental, emotional AND physical health have benefited from these daily walks; I can absolutely feel a difference in my mood if I skip our walks or decide to stay inside all day long. My battle with postpartum depression has been a roller coaster (also deserving of its own post), but I can say with confidence, that doing this one thing is something that I know absolutely helps me. It might sound silly, but really, give it an honest try and you'll understand. Even if it's 30 degrees outside, bundle yourself and your kiddo up and, you guessed it, GET OUT!


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